A picture is worth 1,000 words...or so the pundits keep telling us, and I have found that to be generally true in most cases. But, I have this deep-down feeling, I HAD BETTER FIND 1,000 WORDS TO EXPLAIN THIS PICTURE TO MY THREE KIDS!
You have read of my fascination for cowboy boots from previous "Blogs." One of my "silliest" moments happened during one of my years in High School when I wore my precious brown, serviceable boots at the "try-outs" for Cheerleader. If anything tied me to the ground in executing a "leap" for the judges, it was those doggone boots...those and Gravity! Others with more vocal and busty talents were chosen, and I retreated to the gymnasium for more basketball-shooting practice, hitting the books and writing the Humor Column for The Needle.
Ardie Anderson Hanson, a childhood friend and great Cheerleader, said at the last Reunion that she remembered me mostly for my love for "boots" and Milk Duds during all of our friendship. I remembered her as "vivacious and loquacious"...requisites for being one of the cutest Cheerleaders AHS ever had! (Ardie never responds to e-mails, but I am going to make durn sure she hears about this "Blog!"...one way or the other!)
Anywaaaay...about this picture! The Gold Coast Senior Bowling League of which there are 80-plus strong, including Moi, was spending three days in Vegas completing the Season with a Tournament of sorts. (Earlier, I won $10.00 in doubles with Mike Diaz, a heavy winner.) Jack and Jan, in small talk over the TGIF dinner I told you about a minute ago, and I joked about my having a picture taken with any cowboys we could round up without too much glaring attention from the assembled gamblers or house security so as to not get hauled away to some hidden-away room for trouble-makers.
My luck was still holding out as we ambled out of the dining facilities and what do you suppose we found? Yup, you got it! One REALLY TALL cowboy and two REGULAR TALL cowboys, toothpicks in hand, just standing there and minding their own business. Now, I had a real dilemma on my hands: Mind MY own business and walk out of there to the nearest slot OR...use the same words on these three cowboys that once worked on Pete Carroll, remember? "Would you mind doing me a favor?" "Have your picture taken with me for my Blog?" It worked, again! I swear, no one can refuse a fervent plea from the little-old-great-grandmother type it would seem...I gotta pursue this theory more often!
So, in the picture are three Texas cowboys who live about 40 miles from Mineral Wells, Texas, and who were going to participate in the 2009 Rodeo Finals being held that week-end in Vegas...all winners, as far as I am concerned! If I can get another picture "up," I will show you their wives who patiently waited while their menfolk helped me cross off one "must-do" item on my personal "To Do List!" This List has been growing for about six years, all the times I have been to Vegas with the Seniors without results.
Spontaneous, sublimely silly? Oh, yes, But, what if Jan and Jack hadn't been sweet enough to take these pictures, what if my usual sensible and serious side had "taken over" and I had missed this moment in time? Probably nothing to write home about, but today, it is raining outside here in sunny Southern California:I am resisting the urge to "round up" stray dust bunnies, and I only hope that those three Cowboys in Texas are recalling this Little Old Woman in the same frame of mind I find myself enjoying...one of SERENDIPITY!
It is the sublimely silly moments in time that keep us young -- we may have to grow old, but we don't ever have to grow up -- not entirely! Mwah!